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Verwood Road Evangelical Chapel

Who do we support?

Click on the graphics or text below for further information
(Please note that we are in the process of updating this page.  Please see our Home page for additional information.)
Organisations in the UK:
Photo of Stephen and Jean GillhamStephen and Jean Gillham are listed as retired evangelists in the "Counties" web site, but they are still very busy.  They have a long and close relationship with our chapel. 

Stephen and Jean ran the Christian Camps in Dorset until they retired.
They are also involved with:

Myra's Wells logo Myra's Wells
More information and links to come - please see our Home page.

Tanner family Paul and Tania Tanner 
More information and links to come - please see our Home page.

Ian and Sally CarrIan and Sally have taken over from Stephen and Jean Gillham within "Counties".  Please click on image for further information.
Christian Institute
The Christian Institute
The Christian Institute exists for the furtherance and promotion of the Christian religion in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.  The Christian Institute is a nondenominational Christian charity committed to upholding the truths of the Bible. They are supported by individuals and churches throughout the UK.  They (and we as a church) believe that the Bible is the supreme authority for all of life and we hold to the inerrancy of Scripture. They are committed to upholding the sanctity of life from conception. (Based on statement onn the CI web site.)

Organisations World Wide:

Hebron Hostel,
Nidadavol, West Godavari, Andhra, South India 534 301
Hebron Hostel is a boarding school for girls, aged 4 to 20 years, who come from poor families and from all casts and creeds. At the hostel they receive food, clothing, education, medicine and are well cared for by the faithful staff. Handicapped children receive special attention. Some of the girls go on for further training such as nursing or tailoring in various towns after obtaining their school certificate. Their spiritual needs are met by daily devotions, Sunday school, worship services and annual retreats, etc.
Please click the title (left) for a brief history and reports of the work.

Tear Fund logoTear Fund is an Christian organisation passionate about the local church bringing justice and transforming lives – overcoming global poverty. Their ten-year vision is to see 50 million people released from material and spiritual poverty through a worldwide network of 100,000 local churches.
For latest information on situations worldwide, see their Prayer Zone.
Missionary Aviation Fellowship
Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) was founded in 1945 by former World War II pilots who loved the Lord Jesus, loved flying, and wanted to see their two loves joined. Today, some 190 MAF families continue to overcome barriers on five continents.

Barnabus Fund logo
Barnabas Fund serves the suffering Church and makes their needs known to Christians around the world, encouraging them to pray. It provides practical help to strengthen and encourage the Church in many different ways. Barnabas Fund was established in 1993 and channels aid to projects run by national Christians in more than 40 countries.

Mission logo
Zambesi Mission
The Zambesi Mission has been bringing the gospel to the people of Malawi since 1892.
We continue to keep in touch as indicated in our Home and Events pages.
Tom Jardine, the former Southern Counties Area Representative introduced us to the mission.  
London City Mission logo

London City Mission is committed to making the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ known to Londoners.

"We want everyone, and especially the poor, to know enough to respond intelligently to God's offer of salvation in Christ. Will you pray for us as we go to every part of London with this Word of Life?"

Birmingham City Mission (logo)

The Birmingham City Mission (BCM) was founded in 1966 to respond to people in need with the Gospel, regardless of their age or background. Over the years BCM has grown in scope and effectiveness while retaining individual concern and care for all those contacted. BCM has many areas of operation across the city of Birmingham, England, including a men's hostel, an emergency women's night shelter, charity shops, mission centres, a furniture/clothing warehouse and a women's hostel.

BCM is made up of evangelical Christians from various churches. There is a team of full-time staff, voluntary workers, and students on a one-year In-Service Training Course.
Our Pastor served with BCM for a number of years.

Bill and Jean Williamson
Bill and Jean Williamson

Now back home, but we keep this link for your reference.
Bill and Jean worked in Women's and Children's programmes in Lima, Peru.

Click on the graphic to view their web site.

Other supported missions and ministries are included on our Home page
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